I am trying to compile PocketSphinxAndroidDemo, which provides an example implementation of the CMU pocketsphinx speech recognizer on Android. I first received an error simi
Apparently, some of the sources still needed to be marked for ARM compilation. I modified the following section of Android.mk to set cmn.c and lda.c to compile with ARM.
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $(SPHINX_PATH)/sphinxbase/include/android $(SPHINX_PATH)/sphinxbase/include
LOCAL_PATH := $(SPHINX_PATH)/sphinxbase/src/libsphinxbase/feat
LOCAL_MODULE := sphinxfeat
agc.c \
cmn.c.arm \
cmn_prior.c.arm \
feat.c \
I am still wondering if anyone else had to do this to get their code to compile successfully.
Edit file jni/Android.mk
Change Line 162 :
LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := sphinxutil sphinxfe sphinxfeat sphinxlm pocketsphinx
to :
LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := pocketsphinx sphinxlm sphinxfeat sphinxfe sphinxutil