I am trying to extract information from an XML file from ClinicalTrials.gov. The file is organized in the following way:
You could flatten the XML first.
flatten_xml <- function(x) {
if (length(xmlChildren(x)) == 0) structure(list(xmlValue(x)), .Names = xmlName(xmlParent(x)))
else Reduce(append, lapply(xmlChildren(x), flatten_xml))
dfs <- lapply(getNodeSet(xmlDoc,"//location"), function(x) data.frame(flatten_xml(x)))
allnames <- unique(c(lapply(dfs, colnames), recursive = TRUE))
df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(dfs, function(df) { df[, setdiff(allnames,colnames(df))] <- NA; df }))
# city state zip country status last_name phone email last_name.1
# 1 Birmingham Alabama 35294 United States Recruiting Louis B Nabors, MD 205-934-1813 bnabors@uab.edu Louis B Nabors, MD
# 2 Mobile Alabama 36604 United States Recruiting Melanie Alford, RN 251-445-9649 malford@usouthal.edu Pamela Francisco, CCRP
# 3 Phoenix Arizona 85013 United States Recruiting Lynn Ashby, MD 602-406-6262 LASHBY@CHW.EDU Lynn Ashby, MD
# 4 Tucson Arizona 85724 United States Recruiting Jamie Holt 520-626-6800 jholt1@email.arizona.edu Baldassarre Stea, MD, PhD
# 5 Little Rock Arkansas 72205 United States Recruiting Wilma Brooks, RN 501-686-8530 ALEubanks@uams.edu Amanda Eubanks, APN
# 6 Berkeley California 94704 United States Withdrawn <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
This answer converts the XML to a list, unlists each location section, transposes the section, converts the section to a data.table
, and then uses rbindlist
to merge all of the individual locations into one table. The fill=T
argument matches the elements by name, and fills in missing element values with NA
library(XML); library(data.table)
clinicalTrialUrl <- "http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01480479?resultsxml=true"
xmlDoc <- xmlParse(clinicalTrialUrl, useInternalNode=TRUE)
xmlToDT <- function(doc, path) {
lapply(getNodeSet(doc, path),
function(x) data.table(t(unlist(xmlToList(x))))
), fill=T)
locationDT <- xmlToDT(xmlDoc, "//location")
## facility.name facility.address.city facility.address.state facility.address.zip
## 1: "HYGEIA" Hospital Marousi District of Attica 151 23
## 2: Allina Health, Abbott Northwestern Hospital, John Nasseff Neuroscience Institute Minneapolis Minnesota 55407
## 3: Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Kochi Kochi Kerala 682 026
## 4: Anne Arundel Medical Center Annapolis Maryland 21401
## 5: Atlanta Cancer Care Atlanta Georgia 30005
## 6: Austin Health Heidelberg Victoria 3084
## facility.address.country
## 1: Greece
## 2: United States
## 3: India
## 4: United States
## 5: United States
## 6: Australia