How can I simulate a mouse down and then followed by a mouse up event on a canvas hmtl5 section of an aspx page?
I searched on the web and found this... but i cannot
"Simulating" events is very easy, in fact, you can simply trigger them. Using jQuery, this becomes child's play (see this jsfiddle for working example):
$('#canvas_element').on("mousedown mouseup", function(e) {
console.log(e.type + " event fired at coords: " + e.pageX + ", " + e.pageY);
x_coord = 1;
y_coord = 1;
var e = jQuery.Event( "mousedown", { pageX: x_coord, pageY: y_coord } );
// execute more code
x_coord = 255;
y_coord = 255;
var e = jQuery.Event( "mouseup", { pageX: x_coord, pageY: y_coord } );
See this old SO question for a pure javascript solution.