I am very new in Voyager.
I have got all the controllers inside TCG\\\\Voyager\\\\Http\\\\Controllers
while installing Voyager but didn\'t find other co
From version 1.1 now you need to extend VoyagerBaseController
instead of VoyagerBreadController
Add this to your model.
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
protected static function boot()
static::addGlobalScope('order', function (Builder $builder) {
$builder->orderBy('name', 'asc');
In your config\voyager.php file add your namespace:
'controllers' => [
'namespace' => 'App\Http\Controllers\Back',
Then publish voyageres controllers to your namespace
php artisan voyager:controllers
Within that namespace create a new controller derived from VoyagerBreadController
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Back;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class SchoolController extends VoyagerBreadController
Then you can specify the controller in the bread editor.
NOTE: I did have to refer to mine as Back\SchoolController instead of just SchoolController as I would have expected.