If I have a pointer to an object foo with address (say) 0x809b5c0, I can turn that into an NSString by calling
NSString* fooString = [NSString stringWithForm
Convert it to an integer, then cast it to whatever type it's supposed to be...
NSUInteger myInt = [ myStr integerValue ];
char * ptr = ( char * )myInt;
That said, I really don't understand why you will need this...
In its completeness...
To address-string
NSString *foo = @"foo";
NSString *address = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%p", foo];
And back
NSString *fooAgain;
sscanf([address cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding], "%p", &fooAgain);
This snippet worked for me:
NSString *pointerString = @"0x809b5c0";
NSObject *object;
sscanf([pointerString cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding], "%p", &object);
Use an NSMapTable instead:
MyClass* p = [[MyClass alloc]init];
NSMapTable* map = [NSMapTable mapTableWithKeyOptions:NSMapTableStrongMemory valueOptions:NSMapTableStrongMemory];
[map setObject:whateverValue forKey:p];
// ...
for(MyClass* key in map) {
// ...
In my experience its easier to convert the pointer's address to an NSInteger, like this:
MyObject *object=[[MyObject alloc]init];
NSInteger adress=(NSInteger)object;
Now reverse:
MyObject *otherObject=(MyObject*)adress;
Now: object==otherObject