I am trying to setup my model so I can use the
@Html.EditorFor(e => e.publicationTitle)
and have it show a Watermark with a hint.
Currently I am do
The placeholder attribute is not supported in earlier versions of IE, so for the Display[(Promt="...")]
to work fine I recommend to use (along with the String template as Samack described) any jQuery watermark plugin (I used the google one) then add this to the Document.Ready function:
$(':text').watermark({ textAttr: 'placeholder' });
In your controller you need to do the following
[Display(Prompt="First Name Goes Here",Name="First Name")]
[StringLength(100,ErrorMessage="First Name may not be longer than 100 characters")]
public string AuthFirstName { get; set; }
The Prompt="This is what will display" under display is the watermark that will be created.
Then you will need to create the folder "EditorTemplates" under ~/Views/Shared the entire path will be ~/Views/Shared/EditorTemplates/
Then create the file String.cshtml and place the following code in it
@Html.TextBox("",ViewData.TemplateInfo.FormattedModelValue, new { @class="text-box single-line", placeholder = ViewData.ModelMetadata.Watermark })
More detailed information can be found at the link posted by tugberk (SO question and SO answer).
This will not work with IE unfortunately. At least IE9 and earlier. I spent couple hours pulling my hair as to why this helped others and doesn't work here. Apparently IE won't show prompts. Hope IE10 will address the issue.