I was looking for a simple Java example using the Twitter 1.1 API and couldn\'t find one. Using the PHP sample posted here: Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline
You are wrong with the oauth_nonce
. It is a random 32 bytes string encoded in base 64.
You can build them like this :
public String generateNonce() {
Random gen = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
StringBuilder nonceBuilder = new StringBuilder("");
String base = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
int baseLength = base.length();
// Taking random word characters
for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
int position = gen.nextInt(baseLength);
String nonce = toBase64(nonceBuilder.toString());
return nonce;
// In your code :
String oAuthNonce = generateNonce();
With String toBase64(String);
which is a method to encode a String with Base 64.
Here is my solution using twitter4j lib
Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory().getInstance();
AccessToken accessToken = new AccessToken(accessTokenStr, accessTokenSecretStr);
twitter.setOAuthConsumer(consumerKeyStr, consumerSecretStr);
try {
Query query = new Query("#<HASHTAG TO SEARCH>");
QueryResult result;
result = twitter.search(query);
List<Status> tweets = result.getTweets();
for (Status tweet : tweets) {
System.out.println("@" + tweet.getUser().getScreenName() + " - " + tweet.getText());
catch (TwitterException te) {
System.out.println("Failed to search tweets: " + te.getMessage());
This works excellent for Timeline with the new Twitter API 1.1
1) Download twitter4j-core-3.0.3.jar in http://twitter4j.org/en/ 2) Try use this code:
private static final String TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
private static final String TWITTER_SECRET_KEY = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
private static final String TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
private static final String TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder();
TwitterFactory tf = new TwitterFactory(cb.build());
Twitter twitter = tf.getInstance();
try {
Query query = new Query("MrEdPanama");
QueryResult result;
do {
result = twitter.search(query);
List<Status> tweets = result.getTweets();
for (Status tweet : tweets) {
System.out.println("@" + tweet.getUser().getScreenName() + " - " + tweet.getText());
} while ((query = result.nextQuery()) != null);
} catch (TwitterException te) {
System.out.println("Failed to search tweets: " + te.getMessage());
Here's a Twitter 1.1 API example that works with parameters. The issue was not related to the nonce. It was the signatureBaseString. Think of the signatureBaseString as a 3 part string delimited by the ampersand (METHOD&URL&PARAMS). The api parameters are NOT to be included in the 2nd part of the signatureBaseString, they are to be included (with the other 6 security parameters) in the last part of signatureBaseString (Also, those params must be in alphabetic order).
public void testUserTimelineWithParams() throws Exception {
//This will read the timeline of the 'twitterapi' account.
String method = "GET";
String url = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json";
List<NameValuePair> urlParams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
urlParams.add( new NameValuePair("screen_name","twitterapi") );
urlParams.add( new NameValuePair("count", "10") );
String oAuthConsumerKey = "Your value";
String oAuthConsumerSecret = "Your value"; //<--- DO NOT SHARE THIS VALUE
String oAuthAccessToken = "Your value";
String oAuthAccessTokenSecret = "Your value"; //<--DO NOT SHARE THIS VALUE
String oAuthNonce = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
String oAuthSignatureMethod = "HMAC-SHA1";
String oAuthTimestamp = time();
String oAuthVersion = "1.0";
String signatureBaseString1 = method;
String signatureBaseString2 = url;
List<NameValuePair> allParams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
allParams.add(new NameValuePair("oauth_consumer_key", oAuthConsumerKey));
allParams.add(new NameValuePair("oauth_nonce", oAuthNonce));
allParams.add(new NameValuePair("oauth_signature_method", oAuthSignatureMethod));
allParams.add(new NameValuePair("oauth_timestamp", oAuthTimestamp));
allParams.add(new NameValuePair("oauth_token", oAuthAccessToken));
allParams.add(new NameValuePair("oauth_version", oAuthVersion));
Collections.sort(allParams, new NvpComparator());
StringBuffer signatureBaseString3 = new StringBuffer();
for(int i=0;i<allParams.size();i++)
NameValuePair nvp = allParams.get(i);
if (i>0) {
signatureBaseString3.append(nvp.getName() + "=" + nvp.getValue());
String signatureBaseStringTemplate = "%s&%s&%s";
String signatureBaseString = String.format(signatureBaseStringTemplate,
URLEncoder.encode(signatureBaseString1, "UTF-8"),
URLEncoder.encode(signatureBaseString2, "UTF-8"),
URLEncoder.encode(signatureBaseString3.toString(), "UTF-8"));
System.out.println("signatureBaseString: "+signatureBaseString);
String compositeKey = URLEncoder.encode(oAuthConsumerSecret, "UTF-8") + "&" + URLEncoder.encode(oAuthAccessTokenSecret, "UTF-8");
String oAuthSignature = computeSignature(signatureBaseString, compositeKey);
System.out.println("oAuthSignature : "+oAuthSignature);
String oAuthSignatureEncoded = URLEncoder.encode(oAuthSignature, "UTF-8");
System.out.println("oAuthSignatureEncoded: "+oAuthSignatureEncoded);
String authorizationHeaderValueTempl = "OAuth oauth_consumer_key=\"%s\", oauth_nonce=\"%s\", oauth_signature=\"%s\", oauth_signature_method=\"%s\", oauth_timestamp=\"%s\", oauth_token=\"%s\", oauth_version=\"%s\"";
String authorizationHeaderValue = String.format(authorizationHeaderValueTempl,
System.out.println("authorizationHeaderValue: "+authorizationHeaderValue);
StringBuffer urlWithParams = new StringBuffer(url);
for(int i=0;i<urlParams.size();i++) {
NameValuePair urlParam = urlParams.get(i);
urlWithParams.append(urlParam.getName() + "=" + urlParam.getValue());
System.out.println("urlWithParams: "+urlWithParams.toString());
GetMethod getMethod = new GetMethod(urlWithParams.toString());
getMethod.addRequestHeader("Authorization", authorizationHeaderValue);
HttpClient cli = new HttpClient();
int status = cli.executeMethod(getMethod);
long responseContentLength = getMethod.getResponseContentLength();
String response = getMethod.getResponseBodyAsString();
System.out.println("response: "+response);
private static String computeSignature(String baseString, String keyString) throws GeneralSecurityException, UnsupportedEncodingException, Exception
SecretKey secretKey = null;
byte[] keyBytes = keyString.getBytes();
secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "HmacSHA1");
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1");
byte[] text = baseString.getBytes();
return new String(Base64.encodeBase64(mac.doFinal(text))).trim();
private String time() {
long millis = System.currentTimeMillis();
long secs = millis / 1000;
return String.valueOf( secs );
Where the NvpComparator is:
public class NvpComparator implements Comparator<NameValuePair> {
public int compare(NameValuePair arg0, NameValuePair arg1) {
String name0 = arg0.getName();
String name1 = arg1.getName();
return name0.compareTo(name1);