quick question I have a list of articals in mongodb and I want users to be able to upvote or down vote the artical.
My first way would be in the artical collection t
When you would do it that way, you wouldn't track which user has already voted, so users can vote multiple times. That's surely not in your interest.
For that reason I would add an array "votes" to each article which includes an object for each vote which uniquely identifies the user who made it:
votes: [
{ voter:"name or ID or IP address or some other unique identifier for the person who voted",
vote:-1 },
{ voter:"someone else",
vote:1 },
{ voter:"and someone entirely different",
vote:-1 }
When you create an unique index over the article ID and votes.voter, you have already ensured that nobody can vote twice for an article.
When you use a value of "-1" for downvote and "1" for upvote you can calculate the total score of an article by using the $sum aggregate function (It would also easily allow you to introduce weighted votes later, when you feel like it).