I just want to find a straightforward, C# class that takes in a starting latitude and longitude and a distance and finds the bounding box (max lat, min lat, max lon, min lon
I know I'm resurrecting a two year old question, but in the event that anyone gets here from Google, I've written a C# class library that does exactly this and a little more. I've created a Github repository to host the code and will be writing a blog post covering it shortly.
Geolocation repository
If you only have a starting latitude, longitude and altitude then there is no bounding box as you have only defined a single point in space. Any rectangle/bounding box would require at least two points to define it!
Here's what you are asking for. Kudos to Federico A. Ramponi who wrote the original in Python here.
public class MapPoint
public double Longitude { get; set; } // In Degrees
public double Latitude { get; set; } // In Degrees
public class BoundingBox
public MapPoint MinPoint { get; set; }
public MapPoint MaxPoint { get; set; }
// Semi-axes of WGS-84 geoidal reference
private const double WGS84_a = 6378137.0; // Major semiaxis [m]
private const double WGS84_b = 6356752.3; // Minor semiaxis [m]
// 'halfSideInKm' is the half length of the bounding box you want in kilometers.
public static BoundingBox GetBoundingBox(MapPoint point, double halfSideInKm)
// Bounding box surrounding the point at given coordinates,
// assuming local approximation of Earth surface as a sphere
// of radius given by WGS84
var lat = Deg2rad(point.Latitude);
var lon = Deg2rad(point.Longitude);
var halfSide = 1000 * halfSideInKm;
// Radius of Earth at given latitude
var radius = WGS84EarthRadius(lat);
// Radius of the parallel at given latitude
var pradius = radius * Math.Cos(lat);
var latMin = lat - halfSide / radius;
var latMax = lat + halfSide / radius;
var lonMin = lon - halfSide / pradius;
var lonMax = lon + halfSide / pradius;
return new BoundingBox {
MinPoint = new MapPoint { Latitude = Rad2deg(latMin), Longitude = Rad2deg(lonMin) },
MaxPoint = new MapPoint { Latitude = Rad2deg(latMax), Longitude = Rad2deg(lonMax) }
// degrees to radians
private static double Deg2rad(double degrees)
return Math.PI * degrees / 180.0;
// radians to degrees
private static double Rad2deg(double radians)
return 180.0 * radians / Math.PI;
// Earth radius at a given latitude, according to the WGS-84 ellipsoid [m]
private static double WGS84EarthRadius(double lat)
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_radius
var An = WGS84_a * WGS84_a * Math.Cos(lat);
var Bn = WGS84_b * WGS84_b * Math.Sin(lat);
var Ad = WGS84_a * Math.Cos(lat);
var Bd = WGS84_b * Math.Sin(lat);
return Math.Sqrt((An*An + Bn*Bn) / (Ad*Ad + Bd*Bd));