I have faced a problem where I have to find if the data exists in the table using SqlAlchemy Core.
I think the best way to do this query is to use <
According to the documentation, exists
applies to a Select
object, and the following examples are provided:
# use on an existing select()
s = select([table.c.col1]).where(table.c.col2==5)
s = exists(s)
# construct a select() at once
exists(['*'], **select_arguments).where(criterion)
# columns argument is optional, generates "EXISTS (SELECT *)"
# by default.
What is going wrong with your code then?
Well, from my understanding, EXISTS
is not a directive by itself, so trying to execute an exists()
will fail as it is not an executable clause.
To illustrate, you can try with a simple sqlite console:
EXISTS(SELECT * from t);
yields 0 or 1 as expected.How to fix your issue?
Wrap your exists()
in a select()
executable statement:
result = conn.execute(select([exists().where(cookie_table.c.cookie_id == cookie_id)]))
It should work as expected:
>>> print select([exists().where(users.c.name=='test')])
FROM users
WHERE users.name = :name_1)
Now, should you use exists
or limit
? Frankly I have no idea, and I'm not even sure the answer doesn't depend on your database engine...