Am try to build my project using Maven on Eclipse. The first build was awesome. After that I get this error :
SLF4J: Failed to load class \"org.slf4j.impl.St
Maven is a build tool, but unlike ant
there is not "default" goal. So when you run
You are not supplying enough arguments, you need to run something like
mvn test
Where the second argument indicates where along the build lifecycle you wish to stop. Maven will then run every step up to the one you specified.
Some common stopping points
mvn compile (just compile)
mvn test (compile and run unit tests)
mvn package (compile, run unit tests, and build the distributable package)
mvn install (all of the above, and install distributable package into local repository.
Install is very useful if you need to build other packages which depend on changes
to this package)
mvn deploy (all of the above, and install package into remote (aka public) repository
for sharing with other developers)
You have to specify a build goal, e.g. compile or install. Check your eclipse launch configuration.
You can set a goal through command or eclipse :