I have a Python interface of a graph library written in C - igraph (the name of library). My need is to invoke the python modules pertaining to this graph library from Java
You can use jep.getValue() to retrieve a value from script's global dictionary.
There are caveats to that concerning scope levels in Python, so most people find it clearer to pass a Java class to python and set the return value in that instance in Python. After the script completes, the Java code will then have the result.
For example:
==> Java
class ReturnValueClass {
public int scriptResult;
ReturnValueClass value = new ReturnValueClass();
jep.set("retval", value);
==> Python
# do something
# write the return value
retval.scriptResult = some_python_value
==> Java
Hope that helps,
Mike (I wrote Jep)
Never tried it. But I recently stumbled on a project named Jepp that may be of interest to you.
Jepp embeds CPython in Java. It is safe to use in a heavily threaded environment, it is quite fast and its stability is a main feature and goal.
If you want to call C functions from Java, JNA (Java Native Access) is probably the way to go. JNA allows you to call functions in native libraries without having to write the C glue code (as you would have to when using JNI), and automatically maps between primitive data types in Java and C. A simple example might look like this:
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.Library;
public class PrintfWrapper {
public interface CLibrary extends Library {
CLibrary INSTANCE = (CLibrary)Native.loadLibrary("c", CLibrary.class);
void printf(String formatString, Object... args);
public static void main(String[] args) {
CLibrary.INSTANCE.printf("Hello, world\n");
However, things will get complicated with igraph because igraph uses many data structures that cannot be mapped directly into their Java counterparts. There is a project called JNAerator which should be able to generate the JNA source from igraph's header files, but I have never tried it and chances are that the results will still need some manual tweaking.
Also note that a Java interface for igraph is being developed slowly but steadily and it might become useful in a few months or so.