Is it possible to have React ignore a subtree? i.e., don\'t compare or update it?
My use case is migrating to React. Re-writing all our Handlebars templates at once
Have a look at this module. Simple and very effective.
Here's a coffeescript version of it.
module.exports = ReactIgnore = React.createClass
shouldComponentUpdate: ->
render: ->
React.Children.only @props.children
And wrap your component in it:
Yes, if you don't modify a subtree within React then the DOM won't be touched at all. It's easy to wrap non-React functionality like a Handlebars template in React. You can either use dangerouslySetInnerHTML
render: function()
return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: template(values)}}>;
or you can simply return an empty div and populate (or attach event handlers, etc) it in componentDidMount:
render: function()
return <div />;
componentDidMount: function() {
var node = React.findDOMNode(this);
node.innerHTML = template(values);
In the latter case, React won't touch the DOM after the initial render because render
always returns the same thing.