Here is a MATLAB code for performing Gram Schmidt in page 1
I am trying for hours and hours to perform this wi
Here a version very similar to yours but without the use of the extra variabale v. I use directly the Q matrix. So no need to use drop
. Of course since you have j-1
in the index you need to add the condition j>1
m <- nrow(x)
n <- ncol(x)
Q <- matrix(0, m, n)
R <- matrix(0, n, n)
for (j in 1:n) {
Q[, j] <- x[, j]
if (j > 1) {
for (i in 1:(j - 1)) {
R[i, j] <- t(Q[, i]) %*% Q[, j]
Q[, j] <- Q[, j] - R[i, j] * Q[, i]
R[j, j] <- max(svd(Q[, j])$d)
Q[, j] <- Q[, j]/R[j, j]
return(list(Q = Q, R = R))
EDIT add some benchmarking:
To get some real case I use the Hilbert
matrix from the Matrix
A <- as.matrix(Hilbert(100))
grahm_schimdtCpp(A),times = 100L)
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq median uq max neval
grahm_schimdtR(A) 330.77424 335.648063 337.443273 343.72888 601.793201 100
grahm_schimdtCpp(A) 1.45445 1.510768 1.615255 1.66816 2.062018 100
As expected CPP solution is really fster.
Just for fun I added an Armadillo version of this code and benchmark it
Armadillo code :
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
using namespace Rcpp;
List grahm_schimdtCpp(arma::mat A) {
int n = A.n_cols;
int m = A.n_rows;
arma::mat Q(m, n);
arma::mat R(n, n);
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
arma::vec v = A.col(j);
if (j > 0) {
for(int i = 0; i < j; i++) {
R(i, j) = arma::as_scalar(Q.col(i).t() * A.col(j));
v = v - R(i, j) * Q.col(i);
R(j, j) = arma::norm(v, 2);
Q.col(j) = v / R(j, j);
return List::create(_["Q"] = Q,
_["R"] = R
R code not optimized (directly based on algorithm)
grahm_schimdtR <- function(A) {
m <- nrow(A)
n <- ncol(A)
Q <- matrix(0, nrow = m, ncol = n)
R <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
for (j in 1:n) {
v <- A[ , j, drop = FALSE]
if (j > 1) {
for(i in 1:(j-1)) {
R[i, j] <- t(Q[,i,drop = FALSE]) %*% A[ , j, drop = FALSE]
v <- v - R[i, j] * Q[ ,i]
R[j, j] = norm(v, type = "2")
Q[ ,j] = v / R[j, j]
list("Q" = Q, "R" = R)
Native QR decomposition in R
qrNative <- function(A) {
qrdec <- qr(A)
list(Q = qr.R(qrdec), R = qr.Q(qrdec))
We will test it with the same matrix as in original document (link in the post above)
A <- matrix(c(4, 3, -2, 1), ncol = 2)
all.equal(grahm_schimdtR(A)$Q %*% grahm_schimdtR(A)$R, A)
## [1] TRUE
all.equal(grahm_schimdtCpp(A)$Q %*% grahm_schimdtCpp(A)$R, A)
## [1] TRUE
all.equal(qrNative(A)$Q %*% qrNative(A)$R, A)
## [1] TRUE
Now let's benchmark it
A <- matrix(rnorm(10000), 100, 100)
order = "elapsed")
## test replications elapsed relative user.self
## 3 grahm_schimdtCpp(A) 100 0.272 1.000 0.272
## 1 qrNative(A) 100 1.013 3.724 1.144
## 2 grahm_schimdtR(A) 100 84.279 309.849 95.042
## sys.self user.child sys.child
## 3 0.000 0 0
## 1 0.872 0 0
## 2 72.577 0 0
I really love how easy to port code into Rcpp....
If you are translating code in Matlab into R, then code semantics (code logic) should remain same. For example, in your code, you are transposing Q in t(Q[,i,drop=FALSE])
as per the given Matlab code. But Q[,i,drop=FALSE]
does not return the column in column vector. So, we can make it a column vector by using the statement:
matrix(Q[,i],n,1); # n is the number of rows.
There is no error in R[j,j]=max(svd(v)$d)
if v
is a vector (row or column).
Yes, there is an error in
because you are using a matrix multiplication. Instead you should use a normal multiplication:
v=v-R[i,j] * Q[,i,drop=FALSE]
Here R[i,j]
is a number, whereas Q[,i,drop=FALSE]
is a vector. So, dimension mismatch arises here.
One more thing, if j
is 3 , then 1:j-1
returns [0,1,2]. So, it should be changed to 1:(j-1)
, which returns [1,2] for the same value for j
. But there is a catch. If j
is 2, then 1:(j-1)
returns [1,0]. So, 0th index is undefined for a vector or a matrix. So, we can bypass 0
value by putting a conditional expression.
Here is a working code for Gram Schmidt algorithm:
A = matrix(c(4,3,-2,1),2,2)
m = nrow(A)
n = ncol(A)
Q = matrix(0,m,n)
R = matrix(0,n,n)
for(j in 1:n)
v = matrix(A[,j],n,1)
for(i in 1:(j-1))
R[i,j] = t(matrix(Q[,i],n,1))%*%matrix(A[,j],n,1)
v = v - (R[i,j] * matrix(Q[,i],n,1))
R[j,j] = svd(v)$d
Q[,j] = v/R[j,j]
If you need to wrap the code into a function, you can do so as per your convenience.
You could simply use Hans W. Borchers' pracma package, which provides many Octave/Matlab functions translated in R.
> library(pracma)
> gramSchmidt
function (A, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)
stopifnot(is.numeric(A), is.matrix(A))
m <- nrow(A)
n <- ncol(A)
if (m < n)
stop("No. of rows of 'A' must be greater or equal no. of colums.")
Q <- matrix(0, m, n)
R <- matrix(0, n, n)
for (k in 1:n) {
Q[, k] <- A[, k]
if (k > 1) {
for (i in 1:(k - 1)) {
R[i, k] <- t(Q[, i]) %*% Q[, k]
Q[, k] <- Q[, k] - R[i, k] * Q[, i]
R[k, k] <- Norm(Q[, k])
if (abs(R[k, k]) <= tol)
stop("Matrix 'A' does not have full rank.")
Q[, k] <- Q[, k]/R[k, k]
return(list(Q = Q, R = R))
<environment: namespace:pracma>