I\'m using opencart (version for a client store, and am wondering what the best way to code it so I can have certain stylesheets added for certain routes.
Open catalog/controller/common/header.php
Right after the line protected function index() {
on a new line put
$route = empty($this->request->get['route']) ? 'common/home' : $this->request->get['route'];
$css_file = str_replace('/', '_', $route) . '.css';
if(file_exists(DIR_TEMPLATE . $this->config->get('config_template') . '/stylesheet/' . $css_file)) {
$this->document->addStyle('catalog/view/theme/' . $this->config->get('config_template'). '/stylesheet/' . $css_file);
Then go to your current theme, and create a file in catalog/view/your-theme/stylesheet/
folder called product_category.css
and put your styles in that. The stylesheets work off your route name except you replace the forward slash to an underscore followed by .css
, ie common/home
becomes common_home.css
Note that is is going to use the override method rather than replacing your default stylesheet