Well, I am using \"font-awesome-rails\" gem. I am pretty much used to font-awesome outside Rails, but I guess it\'s not that popular among Rails community.
Once inst
Hey guys this is a good way of link w/ image (it has lot of props in case you want to css attribute for example replace "alt" or "title" etc)
<%= link_to image_tag("#{request.ssl? ? @image_domain_secure : @image_domain}/images/linkImage.png", {:alt=>"Alt title", :title=>"Link title"}) , "http://www.site.com"%>
Hope this helps!
Pass a block to link_to
and the block will be linked
<%= link_to path, id: "logo" do %>
<i class="icon-puzzle-piece icon-2x"></i>
My Super Site
<% end %>
Yes you can. For complex anchor such as images, just remove the first argument(the link text or anchor), and attach a block after the method.
link_to(root_path){<i class="icon"></i>}
The content inside block will become the anchor.
Yes, you are using a vector font as image but you can use image_tag too, for example:
<%= link_to user_root_path, :class=> "user" do
image_tag("image.jpg", :alt => current_user.name) +
end %>
Don't forget link together both of them with "+"
Try it,
You can directly mention rails image_tag in link_to as,
<%= link_to image_tag("image_name")+"your text", root_path, :class=>"icon-puzzle-piece icon-2x" %>