I am using Angular with UI Bootstrap. I\'ve created the custom directive that pushes broadcasted alerst into the array of alerts that are bound to the view (rendered as Boot
We have a similar setup; the template:
<div ng-controller="messages">
<div ng-repeat="msg in messages"
ng-animate="{enter: 'enter-slide', leave: 'leave-slide'}"
alert type="msg.type" close="closeMsg($index)">{{msg.msg}}</div>
The controller is simple, containing the following function and the messages array:
function closeMsg(index) {
The animation definition (see ng-animate - we are using jQuery UI):
module.animation("enter-slide", function () {
return {
setup: function (element) {
start: function (element, done, memo) {
element.slideDown(function () {
module.animation("leave-slide", function () {
return {
start: function (element, done, memo) {
element.slideUp(function () {
Of course you substitute slideUp/Down()
with the desired effect.
You can use angular's built-in animation feature. You basically just add a data-ng-animate="'<animation class>'"
on the repeated element.
See this excelent post animation-in-angularjs or the answer from @Nikos.
is a as far as I know no animation support. However you could build the animation yourself. I'm no angular pro, so this might not be the best approach.
Create a second $timeout
that adds a 'fade out CSS3' animation that kicks in before the first timeout triggers:
Create CSS3 animation classes for hiding an alert (there might be already from bootstrap)
@keyframes fadeOut
from { opacity: 1.0; }
to { opacity: 0.0; }
@-webkit-keyframes fadeOut
from { opacity: 1.0 }
to { opacity: 0.0 }
animation: fadeOut 2s infinite;
-webkit-animation: fadeOut 2s infinite;
Add a 2nd $timeout:
$timeout(function() { alert.expired = true; }, 2000);
In your template add a conditional class with ng-class
<div ng-repeat="alert in alerts" ng-class="{'fade-out': alert.expired}">...</div>