We are using the C# MongoDB driver, and we would like to group on the Date part of a timestamp and get the average for that date. The problem is that we can\'t find the corr
with the new MongoDB .NET driver (2.0 - http://docs.mongodb.org/ecosystem/drivers/csharp/) , Linq support is fully suported, here is the synthax of the question usign the new driver. Much more readable .NET code then before using the BsonDocument synthax.
public async Task<List<DailyStat>> GetLast31DaysReport(string id)
var mc = new MongoClient(_url);
var db = mc.GetDatabase(DbName);
var collection = db.GetCollection<Reading>(CollectionName);
DateTime from = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-31);
DateTime to = DateTime.Now;
var output = await collection.Aggregate()
.Match(r => r.SensorId == id)
.Match(r => r.Date <= to)
.Match(r => r.Date >= to.AddDays(-31))
.Group(r => new { groupedYear = r.Date.Year, groupedMonth = r.Date.Month, groupedDay = r.Date.Day }, g =>
new {
Key = g.Key,
avgValue = g.Average(x => x.Value),
minValue = g.Min(x => x.Value),
maxValue = g.Max(x => x.Value)
.Project(r => new DailyStat()
Day = r.Key.groupedDay,
Month = r.Key.groupedMonth,
Year = r.Key.groupedYear,
Value = r.avgValue,
MinValue = r.minValue,
MaxValue = r.maxValue
var returnList = new List<DailyStat>();
while (returnList.Count < 31)
var value = output.FirstOrDefault(rec => rec.Day == from.Day && rec.Month == from.Month && rec.Year == from.Year);
returnList.Add(value ?? new DailyStat() { Month = from.Month, Year = from.Year, Day = from.Day, Value = 0, MaxValue = 0, MinValue = 0 });
from = from.AddDays(1);
return returnList;