I am looking for a way to determine a given tab\'s opener (parent tab) within a Google Chrome extension.
I\'ve looked at the documention for Tab but there doesn\'t r
Further investigation has revealed that onCreatedNavigationTarget() does not always fire when you think it would to indicate an opener-opened relationship.
An additional hint can sometimes be found in the Tab object returned by chrome.tabs.onCreated/onUpdated in the .openerTabId parameter.
A comprehensive solution will probably have to rely on multiple of the methods described in these answers.
Chrome has added an experimental extension API which can accomplish this -- specifically webNavigation.onBeforeRetarget. http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/experimental.webNavigation.html
However since this is still experimental (not usable in Chrome stable versions or releasable on the Chrome Web Store) I have ended up using another approach.
In content_script.js:
request: {
op: "pageLoadStarted",
url: document.location.href,
referrer: document.referrer
In background.html:
chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
console.log('onRequest: ' + JSON.stringify(request));
This approach allows me to obtain the referrer of a tab, which I can then correlate with an existing tab's url. This isn't always a one-to-one mapping, so I do some additional magic such as preferring the currently selected tab as the opener if its url matches the new tab's referrer.
This really is just a hack to approximate the functionality that would be provided more simply and accurately by webNavigation.onBeforeRetarget or window.opener.
Update: it is now possible to reliably determine a tab's opener tab within a Chrome extension natively using the newly added webNavigation API, and specifically by hooking the onCreatedNavigationTarget event.
function(msg) {
var tabid = port.sender.tab.openerTabId;
console.log("Received message from tab that was opened by tab id : " + tabid);
// reliably shows the tab id of the tab that opened
// the tab sending the message