What I want is, I think, relatively simple:
> Bin = <<\"Hello.world.howdy?\">>.
> split(Bin, \".\").
[<<\"Hello\">>, <<\"
There is about 15% faster version of binary split working in R12B:
split2(Bin, Chars) ->
split2(Chars, Bin, 0, []).
split2(Chars, Bin, Idx, Acc) ->
case Bin of
<<This:Idx/binary, Char, Tail/binary>> ->
case lists:member(Char, Chars) of
false ->
split2(Chars, Bin, Idx+1, Acc);
true ->
split2(Chars, Tail, 0, [This|Acc])
<<This:Idx/binary>> ->
lists:reverse(Acc, [This])
If you are using R11B or older use archaelus version instead.
The above code is faster on std. BEAM bytecode only, not in HiPE, there are both almost same.
EDIT: Note this code obsoleted by new module binary since R14B. Use binary:split(Bin, <<".">>, [global]).
The module binary from EEP31 (and EEP9) was added in Erts-5.8 (see OTP-8217):
1> Bin = <<"Hello.world.howdy?">>.
2> binary:split(Bin, <<".">>, [global]).
There is no current OTP function that is the equivalent of lists:split/2
that works on a binary string. Until EEP-9 is made public, you might write a binary split function like:
split(Binary, Chars) ->
split(Binary, Chars, 0, 0, []).
split(Bin, Chars, Idx, LastSplit, Acc)
when is_integer(Idx), is_integer(LastSplit) ->
Len = (Idx - LastSplit),
case Bin of
_/binary>> ->
case lists:member(Char, Chars) of
false ->
split(Bin, Chars, Idx+1, LastSplit, Acc);
true ->
split(Bin, Chars, Idx+1, Idx+1, [This | Acc])
This:Len/binary>> ->
lists:reverse([This | Acc]);
_ ->
Here's one way:
re:split(<<"Hello.world.howdy?">>, "\\.").