I am stuck on defining an css3 cube completely with percent.
Here a short example in Codepen
As you can see the cub
The percentage there is not of the parent container in the way you might expect but of the element itself. The spec describes it as:
[The percentage] refer[s] to the size of the element's box
Regarding %s, the spec says:
Note that values are not allowed in the translateZ translation-value, and if present will cause the propery value to be invalid.
Though, it seems that instead, they aren't valid in any of them for Chrome at least.
Sorry :(
The best I've found is by doing a bit of javascript.
Instead of using the translateZ()
value, I've used the transform-origin: x y z
for the axis to be at the center of the cube.
The point is that the cube can turn on its center (and not turn on a center of the main face and translate z...)
Here is the jQuery function (eventually to apply on $(document).ready()
and $(window).resize()
) :
function get50() {
var half_width = $('#front').width() / 2;
transformOrigin : '50% 50% -' + half_width + 'px'
You can see a DEMO here...