I\'m writing an asp.net user control. It has a property, FurtherReadingPage, and two controls bound to it: ObjectDataSource and a Repeater. Inside the Repeater I would like
Try this (example as link): <a href='<%=FurtherReadingPage %>?id=<%# Eval("Id") %>'>My link</a>
You have a couple of different tags:
executes the code inside:
<% int id = int.Parse(Request["id"]); %>
writes out the code inside:
<%=id %> <!-- note no ; -->
<!-- this is shorthand for: -->
<% Response.Write(id); %>
Both of these break up the normal flow when rendered on a page, for instance if you use them in a normal Asp.net <head runat="server">
you'll get problems.
<%# Eval("id") %>
This allows you to specify the bindings for controls that Asp.net WebForms render as a collection (rather than the literal controls that you can use <%=
with), for instance:
<!-- this could be inside a repeater or another control -->
<asp:Hyperlink runat="server" ID="demo"
NavigateUrl="page.aspx?id=<%# Eval("id") %>" />
<% //without this bind the <%# will be ignored
void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
For your specific case you either:
<%# Eval(...) %>
with repeater.DataBind();
<% foreach(... %>
) with <%= ... %>
Try this:
<%#String.Format("{0}?id={1}",FurtherReadingPage, Id)%>
You can do it like this -
<asp:Hyperlink runat="Server" ID="hlLink" NavigateUrl='<%# FurtherReadingPage + "?Id=" + DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Id") %>' />