I want to test if my application crash dump can be debugged. But firstly, I need to generate a crash dump of my application. I\'m using C# to code my app, and have tried wit
The following will provide an unhandled exception and will ask for you to choose a debugger:
int[] x = {0};
int blah = x[2];
will cause an exception just as well
It's easy enough to reproduce if you try to transform a null game object. For example, like this:
public static GameObject gameObjectCrash;
public void GenerateCrash()
gameObjectCrash.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0);
Use below code to close the application.
Exit needs a parameter called exitcode. If exitcode=0 means there was no error. Supply a non-zero exit code to to reflect an error.
Throw an exception :)
throw new Exception("Your exception here!");
Well. The only good 100% way actualy crash CLR is to inject a native exception into the managed world.
Calling the Kernel32.dll's RaiseException() directly will immediately crash ANY C# application, and Unity Editor as well.
static extern void RaiseException(uint dwExceptionCode, uint dwExceptionFlags, uint nNumberOfArguments, IntPtr lpArguments);
void start()
RaiseException(13, 0, 0, new IntPtr(1));
Happy crashing. Please note that in order to debug native and managed, you will need two instances of Visual Studio running. If you are developing native P/INVOKE plugin, set up it that Visual Studio Instance 1 is native debugger and uses Unity or your C# program as a Host program, and you attach to the Host program from another Visual Studio Instance.