I am wondering if this is a sane choice of key for a dictionary? What I want to do is use an expression as the key in a dictionary, something like:
var m
Rewriting @dasblinkenlight's answer with latest syntax:
void Main()
var map3 = new List<(Func<int, bool> Key, int Value)> {
(Key: (x) => x * 2 == 4, Value: 1),
(Key: (x) => x * 10 == 100, Value: 2)
var result = map3.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key(10));
When Key
evaluates to a Func which is not there on the List
returns an element with key null and value 0.
and Value
above are for readability, they can be removed and in that case result.Intem2
will produce output
Considering the way that you use your map, you will be better off with a List<Tuple<Func<int,bool>,int>>
, because the order of checking the lambdas will no longer be arbitrary, as in a hash-based dictionary. This approach also lets you skip the lookup step:
var map3 = new List<Tuple<Func<int,bool>,int>> {
new Tuple<Func<int,bool>,int>((x) => x % 2 == 0, 1)
, new Tuple<Func<int,bool>,int>((x) => x % 10 == 0, 2)
var t = map3.SingleOrDefault(t => t.Item1(2));
if (t != null) {
var v = t.Item2;
No, C# constructs a new delegate instance whenever a lambda is used so you wouldn't be able to use it as a consistent key. Example:
Func<int, int> f = x => x*x + 1;
Func<int, int> g = x => x*x + 1;
Console.WriteLine(f.Equals(g)); // prints False
This would then make usage awkward as a dictionary key unless you had some other way to always obtain the same instance.
Eric Lippert's answer here indicates that the compiler is allowed to detect the lambdas are the same (although it typically does not). Either way a lambda/delegate makes a poor choice for a key.