In reading about virtualenv here I realized I didn\'t have pip 1.3+, so I ran pip install --upgrade pip
and now when I run pip --version
i get the
Assuming you are using homebrew for Mac (because I see /usr/local/Cellar), I suggest to
, and brew rm python && brew install python
. This will definitely install pip 1.3.3 alongside of python. Your distribute will also be 0.6.35.
From /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
just remove:
or other versions of pip you have.distribute-0.6.34-py2.7.egg
or other versionsThen, brew rm python && brew install python
. This will leave all your other bindings from brew and installed stuff intact. Python, pip and distribute will be replaced with up-to-date versions.
Please check that you don't have a distribute or setuptools or pip located in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages
. That dir is re-used by all python 2.7 versions (brewed or from OS X) and will interferre with the pip/distribute already installed by Homebrew.
There is no need to uninstall python and install it back. Get the latest distribute package installed and then update pip with it should do the trick.
sudo python
sudo easy_install -U pip