The SVG 1.1 exported by the tool is too "modern" for correct rendering by the current Batik, Cairo, qiv, or even FireFox: it seems none of them support the <foreignObject> element. However WebKit does render it properly, so to convert SVG to high-quality images I use the "wkhtmlto..." tools from
generates output at screen resolution and its --zoom
switch scaled lines and text differently resulting in clipping (although opening the same SVG in Chrome and zooming performed correctly). So instead I'm using wkhtmltopdf
to generate an intermediate pdf then rendering that as a high-resolution image with ghostscript:
wkhtmltopdf callbacks.svg callbacks.pdf
gs -sDEVICE=pnggray -sOutputFile=callbacks.png -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -r900 callbacks.pdf
EDIT: a disadvantage of going via a Page Description Format is that the image file produced may have very large borders. You can experiment with paper sizes and layouts to minimise this or just auto-crop them off, e.g. with ImageMagick:
convert callbacks.png -trim callbacks.png
EDIT: FireFox 49.0.2 (Nov 2016) now renders the SVG correctly. Haven't retested Cairo or Batik. sample file