Create faster Fibonacci function for n > 100 in MATLAB / octave

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难免孤独 2020-12-31 11:34

I have a function that tells me the nth number in a Fibonacci sequence. The problem is it becomes very slow when trying to find larger numbers in the Fibonacci sequence doe

  • 2020-12-31 11:39

    If you have access to the Symbolic Math Toolbox in MATLAB, you could always just call the Fibonacci function from MuPAD:

    >> fib = @(n) evalin(symengine, ['numlib::fibonacci(' num2str(n) ')'])
    >> fib(274)
    ans =

    It is pretty fast:

    >> timeit(@() fib(274))
    ans =

    Plus you can you go for as large numbers as you want (limited only by how much RAM you have!), it is still blazing fast:

    % see if you can beat that!
    >> tic
    >> x = fib(100000);
    >> toc               % Elapsed time is 0.004621 seconds.
    % result has more than 20 thousand digits!
    >> length(char(x))   % 20899

    Here is the full value of fib(100000):

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  • 2020-12-31 11:40

    If time is important (not programming techniques):

    function f = fib(n)
    if (n == 1)
       f = 1;
    elseif (n == 2)
       f = 2;
       fOld = 2;
       fOlder = 1;
       for i = 3 : n
         f = fOld + fOlder;
         fOlder = fOld;
         fOld = f;

    tic;fib(40);toc; ans = 165580141; Elapsed time is 0.000086 seconds.

    You could even use uint64. n = 92 is the most you can get from uint64:

    tic;fib(92);toc; ans = 12200160415121876738; Elapsed time is 0.001409 seconds.


    fib(93) = 19740274219868223167 > intmax('uint64') = 18446744073709551615


    In order to get fib(n) up to n = 183, It is possible to use two uint64 as one number,

    with a special function for summation,

    function [] = fib(n)
    fL = uint64(0);
    fH = uint64(0);
    MaxNum = uint64(1e19);
    if (n == 1)
       fL = 1;
    elseif (n == 2)
       fL = 2;
       fOldH = uint64(0);
       fOlderH = uint64(0);
       fOldL = uint64(2);
       fOlderL = uint64(1);
       for i = 3 : n
          [fL q] = LongSum (fOldL , fOlderL , MaxNum);
          fH = fOldH + fOlderH + q;
          fOlderL = fOldL;
          fOlderH = fOldH;
          fOldL = fL;
          fOldH = fH;

    LongSum is:

    function [s q] = LongSum (a, b, MaxNum)
    if a + b >= MaxNum
       q = 1;
       if a >= MaxNum
          s = a - MaxNum;
          s = s + b;
       elseif b >= MaxNum
          s = b - MaxNum;
          s = s + a;
          s = MaxNum - a;
          s = b - s;
       q = 0;
       s = a + b;

    Note some complications in LongSum might seem unnecessary, but they are not!

    (All the deal with inner if is that I wanted to avoid s = a + b - MaxNum in one command, because it might overflow and store an irrelevant number in s)


    tic;fib(159);toc; Elapsed time is 0.009631 seconds.

    ans = 1226132595394188293000174702095995

    tic;fib(183);toc; Elapsed time is 0.009735 seconds.

    fib(183) = 127127879743834334146972278486287885163

    However, you have to be careful about sprintf.

    I also did it with three uint64, and I could get up to,

    tic;fib(274);toc; Elapsed time is 0.032249 seconds.

    ans = 1324695516964754142521850507284930515811378128425638237225

    (It's pretty much the same code, but I could share it if you are interested).

    Note that we have fib(1) = 1 , fib(2) = 2according to question, while it is more common with fib(1) = 1 , fib(2) = 1, first 300 fibs are listed here (thanks to @Rick T).

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  • 2020-12-31 11:45

    You can do it in O(log n) time with matrix exponentiation:

    X = [0 1
         1 1]

    X^n will give you the nth fibonacci number in the lower right-hand corner; X^n can be represented as the product of several matrices X^(2^i), so for example X^11 would be X^1 * X^2 * X^8, i <= log_2(n). And X^8 = (X^4)^2, etc, so at most 2*log(n) matrix multiplications.

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  • 2020-12-31 11:46

    Seems like fibonaacci series follows the golden ratio, as talked about in some detail here.

    This was used in this MATLAB File-exchange code and I am writing here, just the esssence of it -

    sqrt5 = sqrt(5);
    alpha = (1 + sqrt5)/2;   %// alpha = 1.618... is the golden ratio
    fibs  = round( alpha.^n ./ sqrt5 )

    You can feed an integer into n for the nth number in Fibonacci Series or feed an array 1:n to have the whole series.

    Please note that this method holds good till n = 69 only.

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  • 2020-12-31 11:50

    To reach large numbers you can use symbolic computation. The following works in Matlab R2010b.

    syms x y %// declare variables
    z = x + y;  %// define formula
    xval = '0'; %// initiallize x, y values
    yval = '1'; 
    for n = 2:300
        zval = subs(z, [x y], {xval yval}); %// update z value
        disp(['Iteration ' num2str(n) ':'])
        xval = yval; %// shift values
        yval = zval;
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-31 12:02

    The implementation of a fast Fibonacci computation in Python could be as follows. I know this is Python not MATLAB/Octave, however it might be helpful.

    Basically, rather than calling the same Fibonacci function over and over again with O(2n), we are storing Fibonacci sequence on a list/array with O(n):

    #!/usr/bin/env python3.5
    class Fib:
        def __init__(self,n):
        def populateFibList(self):
            for i in range(len(self.fibList)):
                if i==0:
                if i==1:
                if i>1:
        def getFib(self):
            print('Fibonacci sequence up to ', self.n, ' is:')
            for i in range(len(self.fibList)):
                print(i, ' : ', self.fibList[i])
            return self.fibList[self.n]
    def isNonnegativeInt(value):
            if int(value)>=0:#throws an exception if non-convertible to int: returns False
                return True
                return False
            return False
    n=input('Please enter a non-negative integer: ')
    while isNonnegativeInt(n)==False:
        n=input('A non-negative integer is needed: ')
    n=int(n) # convert string to int
    print('We are using ', n, 'based on what you entered')
    print('Fibonacci result is ', Fib(n).getFib())

    Output for n=12 would be like:

    I tested the runtime for n=100, 300, 1000 and the code is really fast, I don't even have to wait for the output.

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