I am implementing an algorithm which requires me to look at non-overlapping consecutive submatrices within a (strictly two dimensional) numpy array. eg, for the 12 by 12
I'm adding this answer to an old question since an edit has bumped this question up. Here's an alternative way to calculate blocks:
size = 3
lenr, lenc = int(a.shape[0]/size), int(a.shape[1]/size)
t = a.reshape(lenr,size,lenc,size).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)
Profiling shows that this is the fastest. Profiling done with python 3.5, and the results from map passed to array() for compatibility, since in 3.5 map returns an iterator.
reshape/transpose: 643 ns per loop
reshape/index: 45.8 µs per loop
Map/split: 10.3 µs per loop
It's interesting that the iterator version of map is faster. In any case, using reshape and transpose is fastest.
Here's a quick way to get a specific size x size
base = np.arange(size) # Just the base set of indexes
row = 1 # Which block you want
col = 0
block = a[base[:, np.newaxis] + row * size, base + col * size]
If you wanted you could build up matrices similar to your xcoords
y, x = np.mgrid[0:a.shape[0]/size, 0:a.shape[1]/size]
y_coords = y[..., np.newaxis] * size + base
x_coords = x[..., np.newaxis] * size + base
Then you could access a block like this:
block = a[y_coords[row, col][:, np.newaxis], x_coords[row, col]]
If you just want to get the blocks (and not the indexes of the block entries), I'd use np.split (twice):
blocks = map(lambda x : np.split(x, a.shape[1]/size, 1), # Split the columns
np.split(a, a.shape[0]/size, 0)) # Split the rows
then you have a 2D list of size x size
>>> blocks[0][0]
array([[ 4, 0, 12],
[15, 13, 2],
[18, 18, 3]])
>>> blocks[1][0]
array([[ 1, 9, 3],
[ 5, 15, 5],
[13, 17, 8]])
You could then make this a numpy array and use the same indexing style as above:
>>> blocks = np.array(blocks)
>>> blocks.shape
(4, 4, 3, 3)
You can use the one-liner:
r = 3
c = 3
lenr = a.shape[0]/r
lenc = a.shape[1]/c
np.array([a[i*r:(i+1)*r,j*c:(j+1)*c] for (i,j) in np.ndindex(lenr,lenc)]).reshape(lenr,lenc,r,c)