I\'m using an external API which returns JSON responses. One of the responses is an array of objects and these objects are identified by the field value inside them. I\'m ha
The default translation for a data type like:
data Media = Video { title :: Text }
| AudioBook { title :: Text }
deriving Generic
is actually very close to what you want. (For the simplicity of my examples, I define ToJSON
instances and encode the examples to see what kind of JSON we get.)
So, with the default instance we have (view the complete source file which produces this output):
[{"tag":"Video","title":"Some title"},{"tag":"AudioBook","title":"Other title"}]
Let's see whether we can get even closer with custom options...
With custom options:
mediaJSONOptions :: Options
mediaJSONOptions =
defaultOptions{ sumEncoding =
TaggedObject{ tagFieldName = "objectClass"
-- , contentsFieldName = undefined
instance ToJSON Media
where toJSON = genericToJSON mediaJSONOptions
we get:
[{"objectClass":"Video","title":"Some title"},{"objectClass":"AudioBook","title":"Other title"}]
(Think yourself what you want to do with an undefined field in the real code.)
, constructorTagModifier = fmap Char.toLower
to mediaJSONOptions
[{"objectClass":"video","title":"Some title"},{"objectClass":"audiobook","title":"Other title"}]
Great! Exactly what you specified!
Simply add an instance with the same options to be able to decode from this format:
instance FromJSON Media
where parseJSON = genericParseJSON mediaJSONOptions
*Main> encode example
"[{\"objectClass\":\"video\",\"title\":\"Some title\"},{\"objectClass\":\"audiobook\",\"title\":\"Other title\"}]"
*Main> decode $ fromString "[{\"objectClass\":\"video\",\"title\":\"Some title\"},{\"objectClass\":\"audiobook\",\"title\":\"Other title\"}]" :: Maybe [Media]
Just [Video {title = "Some title"},AudioBook {title = "Other title"}]
Complete source file.
To get a more complete picture, let's also look at what generic-aeson package would give (at hackage). It has also nice default translations, different in some respects from those from aeson
import Generics.Generic.Aeson -- from generic-aeson package
and defining:
instance ToJSON Media
where toJSON = gtoJson
gives the result:
[{"video":{"title":"Some title"}},{"audioBook":{"title":"Other title"}}]
So, it's different from all what we've seen when using aeson
generic-aeson's options (Settings) are not interesting for us (they allow only to strip a prefix).
(The complete source file.)
Apart from lower-casing the first letter of the constructor names, generic-aeson
's translation seems similar to an option available in aeson
Let's try this:
mediaJSONOptions =
defaultOptions{ sumEncoding = ObjectWithSingleField
, constructorTagModifier = fmap Char.toLower
and yes, the result is:
[{"video":{"title":"Some title"}},{"audiobook":{"title":"Other title"}}]
)One available option for sumEncoding
has been left out from consideration above, because it gives an array which is not quite similar to the JSON representation asked about. It's TwoElemArray
. Example:
[["video",{"title":"Some title"}],["audiobook",{"title":"Other title"}]]
is given by:
mediaJSONOptions =
defaultOptions{ sumEncoding = TwoElemArray
, constructorTagModifier = fmap Char.toLower
You basically need a function Text -> Text -> Media
toMedia :: Text -> Text -> Media
toMedia "video" = Video "video"
toMedia "audiobook" = AudioBook "audiobook"
The FromJSON
instance is now really simple (using <$>
and <*>
from Control.Applicative
instance FromJSON Media where
parseJSON (Object x) = toMedia <$> x .: "objectClass" <*> x .: "title"
However, at this point you're redundant: the objectClass
field in Video
or Audio
doesn't give you more information than the actual type, so you might remove it:
data Media = Video { title :: Text }
| AudioBook { title :: Text }
toMedia :: Text -> Text -> Media
toMedia "video" = Video
toMedia "audiobook" = AudioBook
Also note that toMedia
is partial. You probably want to catch invalid "objectClass"
instance FromJSON Media where
parseJSON (Object x) =
do oc <- x .: "objectClass"
case oc of
String "video" -> Video <$> x .: "title"
String "audiobook" -> AudioBook <$> x .: "title"
_ -> empty
{- an alternative using a proper toMedia
toMedia :: Alternative f => Text -> f (Text -> Media)
toMedia "video" = pure Video
toMedia "audiobook" = pure AudioBook
toMedia _ = empty
instance FromJSON Media where
parseJSON (Object x) = (x .: "objectClass" >>= toMedia) <*> x .: "title"
And last, but not least, remember that valid JSON uses strings for the name.