I am trying to include a library of functions, held in a factory, into a controller. Similar to questions like this: Creating common controller functions
Your factory can't access your $scope
, since it's not in the same scope.
Try this instead:
recipeApp.controller('recipeController', function ($scope, groceryInterface) {
$scope.addToList = groceryInterface.addToList;
$scope.clearList = groceryInterface.clearList;
$scope.add = groceryInterface.add;
$scope.addUp = groceryInterface.addUp;
recipeApp.factory('groceryInterface', function () {
var factory = {};
factory.addToList = function (recipe) {
factory.clearList = function() {
var last = this.prevIngredients.pop();
Alternatively, you can try using a more object oriented approach:
recipeApp.controller('recipeController', function ($scope, groceryInterface) {
$scope.groceryFunc = new groceryInterface($scope);
recipeApp.factory('groceryInterface', function () {
function Factory ($scope) {
this.$scope = $scope;
Factory.prototype.addToList = function (recipe) {
Factory.prototype.clearList = function() {
var last = this.$scope.prevIngredients.pop();
return Factory;
This isn't the exact answer for this question, but I had a similar issues that I solved by simply passing $scope as an argument to a function in my factory. So it won't be the normal $scope, but $scope at the time the function in the factory is called.
app.controller('AppController', function($scope, AppService) {
$scope.getList = function(){
$scope.url = '/someurl'
// call to service to make rest api call to get data
AppService.getList($scope).then(function(res) {
// do some stuff
app.factory('AppService', function($http, $q){
var AppService = {
getList: function($scope){
return $http.get($scope.url).then(function(res){
return res;
return AppService;
You cannot use $scope
in a factory as it is not defined. Instead, in your factory functions change the properties of the object the factory is returning, e.g.
factory.addToList = function (recipe) {
these will then get passed on to your $scope
$scope.addToList = groceryInterface.addToList;
// ... = groceryInterface.addToList(); would assign to `$scope.addToList` what is returned, instead of the function itself.