I\'m currently implementing some shims for the ES6 draft. I\'m wondering if anyone can tell me what ReturnIfAbrupt
means. For instance, my implementation for
ReturnIfAbrupt is referring to an Abrupt Completion. A completion record contains a type and the value associated with it. A normal completion would be something like an expression's resulting value. A return completion from a function is the usual expected completion aside from a normal completion. Any other completion types are abrupt. That's throw, break, continue.
if (isCompletionRecord(v)) {
if (isAbruptCompletion(v)) {
return v;
} else {
v = v.value;
Implementing it as you are, what it would entail is wrapping the function in a try catch. A thrown value would be an abrupt completion. This isn't something you see at the JS level though, it's for implementing control flow and non-local control transfers at the engine level.
I've implemented much of the ES6 spec in a JS virtual machine that may also help shed some light on it, here's ToInteger: https://github.com/Benvie/continuum/blob/master/lib/continuum.js#L516
function ToInteger(argument){
if (argument && typeof argument === OBJECT && argument.IsCompletion) {
if (argument.IsAbruptCompletion) {
return argument;
argument = argument.value;
return ToNumber(argument) | 0;