Id like to compare two strings in Ruby and find their similarity
I\'ve had a look at the Levenshtein
gem but it seems this was last updated in 2008 and
I think your question could do with some clarifications, but here's something quick and dirty (calculating as percentage of the longer string as per your clarification above):
def string_difference_percent(a, b)
longer = [a.size, b.size].max
same = { |a,b| a == b }.size
(longer - same) / a.size.to_f
I'm still not sure how much sense this percent difference you are looking for makes, but this should get you started at least.
It's a bit like Levensthein distance, in that it compares the strings character by character. So if two names differ only by the middle name, they'll actually be very different.
There is now a ruby gem for similar_text.
It provides a similar
method that compares two strings and returns a number representing the percent similarity between the two strings.
I can recommend the fuzzy-string-match gem.
You can use it like this (taken from the docs):
require "fuzzystringmatch"
jarow = FuzzyStringMatch::JaroWinkler.create(:native)
p jarow.getDistance("jones", "johnson")
It will return a score ~0.832
which tells how good those strings match.