I want to change font face of html string loaded into WebView similarly as mentioned in this question:
How to change font face of Webview in Android?
The dif
You can use the custom res font like this -
<style type="text/css">
@font-face {
font-family: MyFont;
src: url("file:///res/font/myfont.ttf")
body {
font-family: MyFont;
I managed to load my local font from res/font
directory. In my example i want to load italic opensans.
My setup are as follow:
directory @font-face {
font-family: 'opensans';
src: url("file:///android_res/font/opensans_italic.ttf")
body {
font-family: 'opensans';
font-weight: 400;
Load the WebView using loadDataWithBaseUrl
, for example:
webView.loadDataWithBaseURL(null, yourHtmlContent, "text/html", "utf-8", null)
But i have this at the the top of my html content:
"<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='file:///android_asset/mycss.css' />”
I hope it works too for your case.
Add this in your proguard config to make it work in release mode.
-keep class com.your.package.name.R$font { *; }
Just tried and this works similarly to loading fonts from assets, you just need to change the base url to point to resources instead.
Example HTML
@font-face {
font-family: 'CustomFont';
src: url('font/CustomFont.ttf');
#font {
font-family: 'CustomFont';
<p>No Font</p>
<br />
<p id="font">Font</p>
load this HTML into the webview using Webview#loadDataWithBaseURL(String, String, String, String, String)
, using file://android_res/
as the base url (first param)
webview.loadDataWithBaseURL("file:///android_res/", html, "text/html", "utf-8", null)
If you're using proguard on your release builds you'll need to add extra rules to prevent the R
class being renamed during the ProGuard process otherwise the WebView won't be able to find the font resource. Details can be found at this post