I\'m looking for advice on the best way to proceed. I\'m trying to find whether a given point A:(a, b) is inside a regular hexagon, defined with center O:(x, y) and diameter
You can use the equations for each of the sides of the hexagon; with them you can find out if a given point is in the same half-plane as the center of the hexagon.
For example, the top-right side has the equation:
-sqrt(3)x - y + sqrt(3)/2 = 0
You plug in this the coordinates of the point and then the coordinates of the center. If the results have the same sign, then the point is in the bottom-left half-plane (so it may be inside the hexagon).
You then repeat by using the equations of the others sides.
Note that this algorithm will work for any convex polygon.
What you want is the code to find out whether a point is inside a convex polygon, an hexagon being a particular case of that.
Here's a good answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/34689268/516188
I did modify that function for my use, I find my version clearer. It's typescript (you just squint and it's javascript):
function vectorX(v: Vector): number {
return v[1].x - v[0].x;
function vectorY(v: Vector): number {
return v[1].y - v[0].y;
function crossProduct(v1: Vector, v2: Vector): number {
return vectorX(v1)*vectorY(v2) - vectorY(v1)*vectorX(v2);
function isInConvexPolygon(testPoint: Point, polygon: Polygon): boolean {
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/34689268/516188
if (polygon.length < 3) {
throw "Only supporting polygons of length at least 3";
// going through all the edges around the polygon. compute the
// vector cross-product http://allenchou.net/2013/07/cross-product-of-2d-vectors/
// to find out for each edge on which side of the edge is the point.
// if the point is on the same side for all the edges, it's inside
let initCrossIsPositive = undefined;
for (var i=0;i<polygon.length;i++) {
if (polygon[i].x === testPoint.x &&
polygon[i].y === testPoint.y) {
// testPoint is an edge of the polygon
return true;
const curPointOnEdge = polygon[i];
const nextPointOnEdge = polygon[(i+1)%polygon.length];
const vector1 = <[Point,Point]>[curPointOnEdge, nextPointOnEdge];
const vector2 = <[Point,Point]>[curPointOnEdge, testPoint];
const cross = crossProduct(vector1, vector2);
if (initCrossIsPositive === undefined) {
initCrossIsPositive = cross > 0;
} else {
if (initCrossIsPositive !== (cross > 0)) {
return false;
// all the cross-products have the same sign: we're inside
return true;