I am trying to send Email using this sample code and these command-line options:
dev_appserver.py --smtp_host=smtp.gmail.com --smtp_port=25 --smtp_user=xxx@g
The Google account being used to send emails from an application must have some security settings disabled in https://security.google.com/settings.
If you continue to have authentication issues you may have to review the Devices & activity at the https://security.google.com/settings/security/activity
dev_appserver.py doesn't support TLS which is required by Gmail. You can enable it by adding a few lines in api/mail_stub.py:
# After smtp.connect(self._smtp_host, self._smtp_port)
Note! That's the quick and dirty solution. You should add some kind of flag to tell it whether you want to use TLS or not, as it is not always desired.
Execute the following command in the Terminal:
find / -name "mail_stub.py" -type f 2>/dev/null
In my case it returns:
For anyone looking up this answer in 2018 or later: this workaround is no longer needed. You can now use the command like the original poster wrote it:
dev_appserver.py --smtp_host=smtp.gmail.com --smtp_port=25 --smtp_user=xxx@gmail.com --smtp_password=yyy myapp
The other methods are no longer necessary:
Setting the following in /appengine/api/mail_stub.py
if self._allow_tls and smtp.has_extn ('STARTTLS'):
smtp.starttls ()
works for me on appengine sdk version 1.9.15