I have a MediaWiki running which represents a dictionary of German terms and their translation to a local dialect. Each page holds one term, its translation and a number of
You can export the page content directly from the database. It will be the raw wiki markup, as when using Special:Export. But it will be easier to script the export, and you don't need to make sure all your pages are in some special category.
Here is an example:
SELECT page_title, page_touched, old_text
FROM revision,page,text
WHERE revision.rev_id=page.page_latest
AND text.old_id=revision.rev_text_id;
If your wiki uses Postgresql, the table "text" is named "pagecontent", and you may need to specify the schema. In that case, the same query would be:
SET search_path TO mediawiki,public;
SELECT page_title, page_touched, old_text
FROM revision,page,pagecontent
WHERE revision.rev_id=page.page_latest
AND pagecontent.old_id=revision.rev_text_id;
This worked very well for me. Notice I redirected the output to the file backup.xml. From a Windows Command Processor (CMD.exe) prompt:
\PATH_OF_PHP.EXE\php dumpBackup.php --full > backup.xml
You can use the special page, Special:Export to export to XML; here is Wikipedia's version.
You might also consider Extension:Collection if you want it eventually human readable (e.g. PDF) form.
cd maintenance
php5 ./dumpBackup.php --current > /path/wiki_dump.xml
cd maintenance
php5 ./importDump.php < /path/wiki_dump.xml
It looks less than simple. http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Export might help, but probably not.
If the pages are all structured in the same way, you might be able to write a web scraper with something like Scrapy
I'm not completely satisfied with the solution, but I ended up specifying a common category for all pages and then I can add this category and all of the containing page names in the Special:Export box. It seems to work, allthough I'm not sure if it will still work when I reach a few thousand pages.