I exported Firebase events to BigQuery and now I\'m trying to select two parameters from a certain event. Here is the query for selecting one parameter:
Below will work with BigQuery Standard SQL
(SELECT params.value.int_value FROM x.params
WHERE params.key = 'level_id') AS level_id,
(SELECT params.value.int_value FROM x.params
WHERE params.key = 'count') AS count
FROM `com_company_appname_ANDROID.app_events_20161210`, UNNEST(event_dim) AS x
WHERE x.name = 'level_replays_until_first_victory'
See also Migrating from legacy SQL in case if you are stuck with Legacy SQL
Another solution I find quite handy is to use User Defined Functions to analyze user properties and event parameters
#UDF for event parameters
CREATE TEMP FUNCTION paramValueByKey(k STRING, params ARRAY<STRUCT<key STRING, value STRUCT<string_value STRING, int_value INT64, float_value FLOAT64, double_value FLOAT64 >>>) AS (
(SELECT x.value FROM UNNEST(params) x WHERE x.key=k)
#UDF for user properties
CREATE TEMP FUNCTION propertyValueByKey(k STRING, properties ARRAY<STRUCT<key STRING, value STRUCT<value STRUCT<string_value STRING, int_value INT64, float_value FLOAT64, double_value FLOAT64>, set_timestamp_usec INT64, index INT64 > >>) AS (
(SELECT x.value.value FROM UNNEST(properties) x WHERE x.key=k)
#Query the sample dataset, unnesting the events and turn 'api_version', 'round' and 'type_of_game' into columns
propertyValueByKey('api_version', user_dim.user_properties).string_value AS api_version,
paramValueByKey('round', event.params).int_value as round,
paramValueByKey('type_of_game', event.params).string_value as type_of_game
FROM `firebase-analytics-sample-data.android_dataset.app_events_20160607`,
UNNEST(event_dim) as event
WHERE event.name = 'round_completed'
I love the previous solution! Here is an alternative solution for the same problem I came up with. I'd welcome comments on which solution is more efficient/cheaper and why.
SELECT event_param1.value.int_value AS level_id,
event_param2.value.int_value AS count
FROM `com_company_appname_ANDROID.app_events_20161210`,
UNNEST(event_dim) event,
UNNEST(event.params) as event_param1,
UNNEST(event.params) as event_param2
WHERE event.name = 'level_replays_until_first_victory'
AND event_param1.key = 'level_id'
AND event_param2.key = 'count'