As the title implies, I am not able to install Visual Studio 2015 RC Community, and I keep getting the following errors. For the record, I am on Windows 8.1 Professional.
I banged my head over uninstalling 2015 RC for hours. I found quite a few discussions about uninstalling RC but nothing worked.
I used variations of vs_*.exe /uninstall /force but nothing worked.
I do not remember, but I think I must have performed an "online" install of RC and found a file with the same filedate as the install date.
The following worked for me: vns_full.exe /uninstall /force
Thanks to all the people in all the forums that eventually helped me find a solution to this uninstall RC problem.
I have the same issue then installing update1 to the visual studio 2015 community.
install error, link to the image and text:
Visual Studio Professional 2015 is currently installed on this machine. Please uninstall Visual Studio Professional 2015 and retry.
In past i installed plugin Visual Studio 2015 Installer Projects that didn't work with VS 2015 community and work with VS 2015 profession.
This recipe was:
1) Launch RegEdit
2) if win32: Select key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DevDiv\vs\Servicing\14.0" if win64: Select key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\DevDiv\vs\Servicing\14.0"
3) In that key/subkey, you must create two new subkeys: "professional" "vscore"
4) In each of the subkeys you have just created create a REGSZ value (=string) with the name "Install" and value "1" (yes: "1" is a string!)
Now to address the problem in VS 2015 community had to rename or delete a folder in the registry "professional"
Before community folder, picture
Before professional folder, picture
After professional folder, picture
I followed the steps from MSDN Forum to uninstall the VS2015 Ultimate and VS2015 Preview by running the command
D:\vs_ultimate.exe /uninstall /force
(replace D with the VS2015 DVD or mounted ISO drive letter)
The forum says for VS2013 but same method will work for uninstalling any edition.
After updating the anti-virus (McAfee), I successfully installed it.
I solved this issue by more or less following this post. I previous installed VS 2015 on my partition which I accidentally formatted without uninstalling and was giving me the same error.
So I had to manually hand delete many references in both the 32 and 64 bit registry.
Found this tool that forcefully uninstalls everything related to Visual Studio 2013 and 2015. It did the trick for me.