Don\'t really understand is it a mistake or just my local problem, still have some issues with using tqdm progress bars with progress_apply in Jupyter.
This is what I run in my jupyter notebooks, and then progress_apply works:
from tqdm import tqdm, tqdm_notebook
I had been getting an error without the () after tqdm_notebook
The following is working for me:
from tqdm import tqdm
keywords_df['keyword'] = keywords_df['keywird'].progress_apply(lambda x: x.replace('*',''))
Answer from tqdm developer:
notebook support is still in a (late) beta stage. The API might change slightly when we release tqdm v5 but for now you probably need
from tqdm._tqdm_notebook import tqdm_notebook
Now you can just do:
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
My version of tqdm is 4.39.0
Assuming your question is about how to use the status bar, vs the ascetics of the status bar on the Jupyter NoteBook then your code should be
tqdm.pandas(desc="Example Desc")
keywords_df['keyword'] = keywords_df['keywird'].progress_apply(lambda x: x.replace('*',''))