Using AutoMapper to Map a DataTable to an Object (DTO)

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2020-12-31 06:45

I am trying to map a DataTable to an object (DTO) using AutoMappers DynamicMap feature.

DataTable dt;
dt = new dalAllInvestors().InvestorNameSearch(investo         

  • 2020-12-31 07:13

    How about something like the following...

    AutoMapper Profile

    public sealed class SimpleInvestorProfile : Profile
      // This is the approach starting with version 5
      public SimpleInvestorProfile()
          IMappingExpression<DataRow, dtoAPISimpleInvestor> mappingExpression;
        mappingExpression = CreateMap<DataRow, dtoAPISimpleInvestor>();
        mappingExpression.ForMember(d => d.FirmID, o => o.MapFrom(s => s["FirmID"]));
        mappingExpression.ForMember(d => d.FirmName, o => o.MapFrom(s => s["FirmName"]));
        mappingExpression.ForMember(d => d.Type, o => o.MapFrom(s => s["Type"]));
        mappingExpression.ForMember(d => d.Location, o => o.MapFrom(s => s["Location"]));
      // this method is obsolete in version 5
      // protected override void Configure()
      // {
      //   IMappingExpression<DataRow, dtoAPISimpleInvestor> mappingExpression;
      //  mappingExpression = CreateMap<DataRow, dtoAPISimpleInvestor>();
      //  mappingExpression.ForMember(d => d.FirmID, o => o.MapFrom(s => s["FirmID"]));
      //  mappingExpression.ForMember(d => d.FirmName, o => o.MapFrom(s => s["FirmName"]));
      //   mappingExpression.ForMember(d => d.Type, o => o.MapFrom(s => s["Type"]));
      //  mappingExpression.ForMember(d => d.Location, o => o.MapFrom(s => s["Location"]));
      //  return;
     // }

    NOTE : I am using the DataRow type as the source and not IDataReader (more on this below).

    Using the Profile

    MapperConfiguration configuration;
    configuration = new MapperConfiguration(a => {a.AddProfile(new SimpleInvestorProfile());});
    IMapper mapper;
    mapper = configuration.CreateMapper();
    List<dtoAPISimpleInvestor> result;
    result = mapper.Map<List<DataRow>, List<dtoAPISimpleInvestor>>(rows);

    The result object should contain the correct number of dtoAPISimpleInvestor objects with the correct data.

    NOTE : The call to mapper.Map takes an object of type List<DataRow> which can be obtained from the DataTable object using the statement new List<DataRow>(dataTable.Rows.OfType<DataRow>()); (since the Rows property of the DataTable object is a collection that implements IEnumerable but not IEnumerable<T>).

    This is likely not the only solution but I have validated that it works.

    As a side note, I noticed that DynamicMap method that you referenced has been marked as obsolete in the latest version of the library so you may want to avoid using it.

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  • 2020-12-31 07:19

    This worked for me: Version of automapper is 3.1.1 download from nuget

    using AutoMapper;
    public List<T> ReadData<T>(DataTable dt)
      return Mapper.DynamicMap<IDataReader, List<T>>(dt.CreateDataReader());                        

    Call method like this:

    DataTable dt = getPeopleDT();
    List<PEOPLEDTO> peopleList = ReadData<PEOPLEDTO>(dt);   
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