I\'m trying to convert 4503599627370495
into binary in Excel. DEC2BIN() returns #NUM! error because DEC2BIN cannot handle such a large number.
Any thou
This is super simple, Base(...) function can help you.
The second param 2 is for binary, you can convert to other relevant bases as Hex, Oct
courtesy of Taosique who answered the duplicate Decimal to binary conversion for large numbers in Excel .
I needed a VBA function to convert Excel decimal integers to binary since MS failed me, yet again. I came up with the following, but I had to accept a string of ones & zeros as output, which was OK for me. It uses log base 2 which may be unique (or not?) and works for all positive integers as-is.
Function Dec_Bin(dx As Integer) As String
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Long
Dim z As Integer
Dim zz As Double
Dim ch As String
Dim str As String, s1 As String
Dim lead As Boolean
ch = String(15, "0")
' Stop
zz = Log(dx) / Log(2)
z = Fix(zz)
y = dx - 2 ^ z
z = 15 - z
Mid(ch, z, 1) = "1"
While y > 0
zz = Log(y) / Log(2)
z = Fix(zz)
y = y - 2 ^ z
z = 15 - z
Mid(ch, z, 1) = "1"
ch = ch & "B"
Dec_Bin = ch
End Function