I have been trying to install SciPy in PyCharm on Windows 7. But the installation process failed with the following error message.
I had a similar issue with installing SciPy in Pycharm and I solved it by downloading scipy as an exe file for my python version from sourceforge:
Now I can see scipy in my project interpreter and use it without errors.
If you've gotten over the NumPy/wheel issues in installing SciPy on Windows 7, then this is a relatively quick fix. In short, you need to add the path where SciPy lives (only a few subfolders away from Python). You can see a general summary of adding paths in PyCharm here.
Open a Python Interpreter where you can open SciPy.
>> import scipy
>> scipy.__file__
Here is what my path looked like:
So, SciPy is installed in Continuum, whereas Python lives in its own directory. The default interpreter paths in PyCharm look in the Python directory, shown below:
To fix this, open PyCharm and head to menu File → Settings → Project Interpreter. Open the ProjectInterprets, and there is a small button on the right side labelled "show paths". I added my path up to SciPy:
Go ahead and add your path here, and you should be good to go!
The error seems to indicate you need blas/lapack, which are numerical libraries that scipy uses. They're not Python packages, you'll have to install them yourself. There are several implementations, some of which combine blas and lapack so you only need to install one.
For anybody searching this.
Numpy + MKL from: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#numpy Make sure you select your version of python (mine is 3.6, hence I use: obspy‑1.0.3‑cp36‑cp36m‑win32.whl)
Then download Scipy from: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#scipy (again 3.6 is: scipy‑1.0.0b1‑cp36‑cp36m‑win32.whl)
open up your folder containing pip in command prompt as admin:
pip install C:/user/Daniel/obspy‑1.0.3‑cp36‑cp36m‑win32.whl
pip install C:/user/Daniel/scipy‑1.0.0b1‑cp36‑cp36m‑win32.whlhl
The PyCharm should automatically find it.
Apologies posting on a dead-thread.
A possible solution is to install the package "Anaconda". SciPy will automatically be installed as well.