I have a sparse matrix
from scipy.sparse import *
M = csr_matrix((data_np, (rows_np, columns_np)));
then I\'m doing clustering that way
Time to help myself. After
we run
labels = km.predict(M)
which returns labels, numpy.ndarray. Number of elements in this array equals number of rows. And each element means that a row belongs to the cluster. For example: if first element is 5 it means that row 1 belongs to cluster 5. Lets put our rows in a dictionary of lists looking this way {cluster_number:[row1, row2, row3], ...}
# in row_dict we store actual meanings of rows, in my case it's russian words
clusters = {}
n = 0
for item in labels:
if item in clusters:
clusters[item] = [row_dict[n]]
n +=1
and print the result
for item in clusters:
print "Cluster ", item
for i in clusters[item]:
print i
Update: You can do it the following way
"""data= data clustered retrieved by function as you want"""
"""model = result from the data with got by KMeans"""
"""cluster = clusters formed by the model"""
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
data = clusteredData()
model = KMeans(n_clusters=5, init='random', max_iter=100, n_init=1, verbose=1)
cluster = model.fit_predict(scale(data))
dictionary = {}
for index in range(len(data)):
if cluster[index] in dictionary:
value = []
value = dictionary[cluster[index]]
dictionary[cluster[index]] = value
This will create you a dictionary with the NUMBER_OF_THE_CLUSTER as a key and the data within that cluster as a VALUE