What\'s the correct way of detecting when an iframe gets or loses focus (i.e. will or will not receive keyboard events)? The following is not working in Fx4:
Turns out it's not really possible. I had to change the logic of my page to avoid the need of tracking if the iframe has focus.
This solution is working for me on both mobile and desktop:
;(function pollForIframe() {
var myIframe = document.querySelector('#my_iframe');
if (!myIframe) return setTimeout(pollForIframe, 50);
window.addEventListener('blur', function () {
if (document.activeElement == myIframe) {
console.log('myIframe clicked!');
Here is the code to Detecting when an iframe gets or loses focus
// This code can be used to verify Iframe gets focus/loses.
function CheckFocus(){
if (document.activeElement.id == $(':focus').context.activeElement.id) {
// here do something
//do something