I've been working with this for a while now and found this to work really good for columns that go beyond A-Z, or even beyond AA-ZZ... It's accomplished by breaking apart each character in the string and recursively calling itself to derive the DEC value of the ASCII character (less 64), then multiplying it by 26^n. A return value of long was used to overcome a potential limitation when n > 4.
public long columnNumber(String columnName)
char[] chars = columnName.ToUpper().ToCharArray();
return (long)(Math.Pow(26, chars.Count() - 1)) *
(System.Convert.ToInt32(chars[0]) - 64) +
((chars.Count() > 2) ? columnNumber(columnName.Substring(1, columnName.Length - 1)) :
((chars.Count() == 2) ? (System.Convert.ToInt32(chars[chars.Count() - 1]) - 64) : 0));
Also, if you'd like to get the inverse (i.e. pass in the columnNumber and get the columnName, here's some code that works for that.
public String columnName(long columnNumber)
StringBuilder retVal = new StringBuilder();
int x = 0;
for (int n = (int)(Math.Log(25*(columnNumber + 1))/Math.Log(26)) - 1; n >= 0; n--)
x = (int)((Math.Pow(26,(n + 1)) - 1) / 25 - 1);
if (columnNumber > x)
retVal.Append(System.Convert.ToChar((int)(((columnNumber - x - 1) / Math.Pow(26, n)) % 26 + 65)));
return retVal.ToString();