Is there a way to set system time from my app running on a Raspberry Pi 2 in Windows 10 IoT Core Insider Preview?
This doesn\'t work for lack of kernel32.dll
<Seemingly as of now there appears to be no way to actually edit the system time, but here is a work around I came up with to get correct time in your app at least. I created a TimeManager class, the important parts are as follows.
Get the correct time how ever you want (e.g. NTP, other network time, user input, etc) and input into the UpdateOffset method.
In the rest of the App use TimeManager.Now instead of DateTime.Now
static TimeSpan _offset = new TimeSpan(0,0,0);
public static TimeSpan CurrentOffset //Doesn't have to be public, it is for me because I'm presenting it on the UI for my information
get { return _offset; }
private set { _offset = value; }
public static DateTime Now
return DateTime.Now - CurrentOffset;
static void UpdateOffset(DateTime currentCorrectTime) //May need to be public if you're getting the correct time outside of this class
CurrentOffset = DateTime.UtcNow - currentCorrectTime;
//Note that I'm getting network time which is in UTC, if you're getting local time use DateTime.Now instead of DateTime.UtcNow.
I also suggest adding things like tracking the last update time, and flag to indicate whether the time has ever been updated, just didn't want to clutter up the code sample.
refer to Microsoft API Reference Docs and in the Windows.System namespace you can sets the system date and time with SetSystemDateTime method.
but you must know it`s available in
you can use DateTimeSettings static class
public static class DateTimeSettings
then call SetSystemDateTime static method and send your object of DateTimeOffset type for setting date and time on Windows Iot.
public static void SetSystemDateTime(DateTimeOffset utcDateTime)