i have setup every thing in my app for using google analytics V4
and i get every things working and i can see it but when i go to real time overview in my mobi
I've been looking at the v4 analytics today, and have also had trouble getting screen views to post. Here are a couple things I've dug up during my investigations that may be helpful for you:
is deprecated in favor of ScreenViewBuilder
(see the HitBuilders
source code). This part of the documentation is, presumably, out of date. Edit Mar 6, 2015: it would appear that the linked documentation has now been updated to use ScreenViewBuilder.
If my interpretation of the documentation is correct, it should not be necessary to explicitly post screen views using a ScreenViewBuilder
when the auto activity tracking feature is enabled (which I see is the case in your configuration file).
By default, the current date is not included in your Google Analytics stats. You can choose to include it by manually selecting a date range (see drop-down control at the top right of most GA pages).
Make sure you shorten the dispatch period for debug builds - by default, events are batched and sent every 30 minutes, but for testing it's ok to reduce this to a few seconds. See the answer from @vangoz for implementation details.
Hope some of that helps you.
Edit: related, but I see you've already posted there: Google Analytics API v4 for Android Does NOT Send Screen Views
For me it turns out Google Analytics only dispatch the data every 30 minutes by default. So changing the dispatch time for testing show the realtime data with some delay.
Reference: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/android/v4/dispatch