I have a simple .Net Framework routine which runs a query and returns a DataTable object. I need to port this to .Net Core, however I infer that SQLAdapter and DataTable ar
UPDATE: This answer corresponds to .NET Core 1.x (which was the latest at the time I wrote this). If you are using .NET Core 2.x (in beta as of July/2017), check Joe's answer.
Original answer:
Recommended read: Porting to .NET Core
I quote:
- System.Data. While the base layer is already part of .NET Core, i.e. the provider model and SQL client, some features are currently not available, such as schema support and DataTable/DataSet.
You can use SqlDataReader but not SqlAdapter or DataTable.
Start by adding System.Data.SqlClient
NuGet Package.
Then you can...
var con = new SqlConnection("...");
var cmd = con.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "...";
var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
// populate your custom data structure
Does IList<Dictionary<string, object>>
works for you?
var results = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();
while (reader.Read())
results.Add(Enumerable.Range(0, reader.FieldCount).ToDictionary(reader.GetName, reader.GetValue));
return results;
So now you can read using results[0]["FirstName"].ToString()
Unless you want to switch to Entity Framework Core, in that case this tutorial is handy.
and DataTable
are now supported.
You must use VS2017 Preview 15.3, target .net core 2.0, and add NuGet packages for System.Data.Common
as well as System.Data.SqlClient
. Code below.
See https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/devfish/2017/05/15/exploring-datatable-and-sqldbadapter-in-asp-net-core-2-0/ for more info.
public static DataTable ExecuteDataTable(SqlConnection conn, CommandType cmdType, string cmdText, SqlParameter[] cmdParms)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
SqlDataReader dr = ExecuteReader(conn, cmdType, cmdText, cmdParms);
while (dr.Read())
dt.Rows.Add(dr[0], dr[1]);
return dt;
public static DataTable ExecuteDataTableSqlDA(SqlConnection conn, CommandType cmdType, string cmdText, SqlParameter[] cmdParms)
System.Data.DataTable dt = new DataTable();
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmdText, conn);
return dt;
You can use DbDataAdapter link for more info
Then use this function for CreateDataAdapter
private static DbDataAdapter CreateDataAdapter(this DbConnection connection, DbCommand command)
var adp = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(connection).CreateDataAdapter();
adp.SelectCommand = command;
return adp;
Then normal can use like code below
var connection = Context.Database.GetDbConnection();
using var command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = cmdText;
using DbDataAdapter adp = connection.CreateDataAdapter(command);
After you can fill
using DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
Instead of DataAdapter/DataTable you may use one of the existing DAL libraries for .NET Core that support CRUD operations over low-level ADO.NET interfaces. Recently I've published NReco.Data: provider-independent DAL that supports automatic SQL statements generation, abstract queries and simple record CRUD operations.
For example, code snippet from the question can be reimplemented in the following way:
var con = new SqlConnection(m_ConnectString);
var dbFactory = new NReco.Data.DbFactory(
var dbCmdBuilder = new NReco.Data.DbCommandBuilder(dbFactory);
var dbAdapter = new NReco.Data.DbDataAdapter(con, dbCmdBuilder);
var selectRecordsList = dbAdapter.Select(
new Query("some_table") ).ToList<Dictionary<string,object>>();
Complex SQL queries may be executed as application-level data views:
dbCmdBuilder.Views["some_view"] = new DbDataView(
@"SELECT @columns FROM Employee emp
LEFT JOIN Company c ON (c.Id=emp.CompanyId)
@where[ WHERE {0}] @orderby[ ORDER BY {0}]
") {
FieldMapping = new Dictionary<string,string>() {
{"Id", "emp.Id"},
{"*", "emp.*, c.Title as CompanyTitle"}
var someViewRS = dbAdapter.Select( new Query("some_view") ).ToRecordSet();
NReco.Data doesn't try to replace SQL with the its own Query (like LINQ does); instead of that it allows you to make simple DB-independent queries from business logic and encapsulate complex SQL syntax with special app-level dataviews that accessed like read-only tables.
Also it is possible to specify raw SQL query directly with Select
method overload (like FromSql in EF Core):
var userModels = dbAdapter.Select("select * from users where id={0}", 5).ToList<User>();