This will work in IE8+ and other browsers
ol {
counter-reset: item;
list-style-type: none;
li { display: block; }
li:before {
content: counter(item) " ";
counter-increment: item
or even:
ol li:before {
content: counter(level1) " "; /*Instead of ". " */
counter-increment: level1;
If you want older browsers to be supported as well then you could do this (courtesy neemzy):
ol li a {
float: right;
margin: 8px 0px 0px -13px; /* collapses <a> and dots */
padding-left: 10px; /* gives back some space between digit and text beginning */
position: relative; z-index: 10; /* make the <a> appear ABOVE the dots */
background-color: #333333; /* same background color as ol ; the dots are now invisible ! */