I have an array of hashes, something like
[ {:type=>\"Meat\", :name=>\"one\"},
{:type=>\"Meat\", :name=>\"two\"},
{:type=>\"Fruit\", :n
array = [{:type=>"Meat", :name=>"one"}, {:type=>"Meat", :name=>"two"}, {:type=>"Fruit", :name=>"four"}]
array.inject({}) {|memo, value| (memo[value[:type]] ||= []) << value[:name]; memo}
array.group_by{|h| h[:type]}.each{|_, v| v.replace(v.map{|h| h[:name]})}
# => {"Meat"=>["one", "two"], "Fruit"=>["four"]}
Following steenslag's suggestion:
array.group_by{|h| h[:type]}.each{|_, v| v.map!{|h| h[:name]}}
# => {"Meat"=>["one", "two"], "Fruit"=>["four"]}
In a single iteration over initial array:
arry.inject(Hash.new([])) { |h, a| h[a[:type]] += [a[:name]]; h }
I would do as below :
hsh =[{:type=>"Meat", :name=>"one"}, {:type=>"Meat", :name=>"two"}, {:type=>"Fruit", :name=>"four"}]
p Hash[hsh.group_by{|h| h[:type] }.map{|k,v| [k,v.map{|h|h[:name]}]}]
# >> {"Meat"=>["one", "two"], "Fruit"=>["four"]}
Using ActiveSuport's Hash#transform_values:
array.group_by{ |h| h[:type] }.transform_values{ |hs| hs.map{ |h| h[:name] } }
#=> {"Meat"=>["one", "two"], "Fruit"=>["four"]}
@ArupRakshit answer, slightly modified (the function has been added for sake of clarity in the final example):
def group(list, by, at)
list.group_by { |h| h[by] }.map { |k,v| [ k , v.map {|h| h[at]} ] }.to_h
sample =[
{:type=>"Meat", :name=>"one", :size=>"big" },
{:type=>"Meat", :name=>"two", :size=>"small" },
{:type=>"Fruit", :name=>"four", :size=>"small" }
group(sample, :type, :name) # => {"Meat"=>["one", "two"], "Fruit"=>["four"]}
group(sample, :size, :name) # => {"big"=>["one"], "small"=>["two", "four"]}
Please, notice that, although not mentioned in the question, you may want to preserve the original sample
as it is. Some answers kept provision on this, others not as.
After grouping (list.group_by {...}
) the part that does the transformation (without modifying the original sample's values) is:
.map { |k,v| [ k , v.map {|h| h[at]} ] }.to_h
Some hints:
of groups (first map
), where|group_key, array]
and return an Array
of [group_key, new_array]
(outer block
transforms the Array of Array
s into the Hash
(this [[gk1,arr1],[gk2,arr2]...]
into this { gk1 => arr1, gk2 => arr2, ...}
)There is one missing step not explained at step (2) above. new_array
is made by v.map {|h| h[at]}
, which justs casts the value at
of each original Hash
) element of the array
(so we move from Array of Hash
es to an Array
of elements).
Hope that helps others to understand the example.